row2k Features
Rowing Hack: The Workboat Bulletin Board
December 9, 2021
John FX Flynn

Here's a handy hack that row2k spotted at the Drexel boathouse on a recent race day. With space at a premium and lots of info to pass along, Coach Mike Guerrieri found the perfect solution for where to post all the details about boats, line ups, and HOSR course maps: The The Workboat Bulletin Board.

Of course, the Head of the Schuylkill is not your typical Race Day anywhere on Boathouse Row, and with heaps of entries, visiting crews, and shared equipment, there is a lot of info to keep track of. Yet, by snagging some prime, eye-level real estate on a training shell was not being used--and would be there all day--Coach is able to keep everything the Drexel folks and their guests need to know front and center as they come into the bay.

This trick is not just for a regatta when maybe everything in your boathouse is being used a few times. We could definitely see this hack coming in handy over the winter, say for posting scores and goals when a shell bay of de-rigged boats becomes your seasonal erg room, or for marking stations if you happen to have a favorite "boat bay body circuit" that helps your team while away those winter sessions while the bay doors are locked against the cold.

We've seen all sort of surfaces pressed into service for posting info rowers need to know, from the windows of tow vehicles at regattas to stuff magnet-ed to the sides of trailers, but know we all know that all that real estate to be found on the side of an unused shell is fair game as well.

If you put this hack to use at your place, be sure to use some forgiving tape when posting stuff on a shell. The blue painters' tape you see here is not just in play because a convenient school color for the Dragons: the low adhesive is unlikely to either damage the paint or leave any residue on the hull, so catching it in use here is the sign of a pro at work.

We'd also caution against leaving things "posted" for too long--the longer any kind of tape is on the shell, the greater the chance it will come off less willingly.

Once you've made a wise tape choice, though, you will suddenly have 60 feet of posting space everywhere you look with this Hack, no matter how pressed for wall space you might be at your place.

Have a good trick that helps your team get things done right on Race Day? If so, share your tips--and hacks--in the comments below.

If you have a great rowing hack to suggest for future inclusion, then please send it to us and we will feature your idea in a future column.

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12/09/2021  6:48:30 PM
Go Drexel!

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